Last week a subcommittee voted against drilling for oil in the outer continental shelf. Now we have names to associate with this nonsense. I would like to thank these fine gentlemen for gas being $4.00 a gallon.
Chair: Norman D. Dicks (WA)
James P. Moran (VA)
Maurice D. Hinchey (NY)
John W. Olver (MA)
Alan B. Mollohan (WV)
Tom Udall (NM)
Ben Chandler (KY)
Ed Pastor (AZ)
Dave Obey (WI)
All of the above are Democrats and enemy number one when it comes to common sense. Had they voted to drill, there was a likelihood that, oil prices would’ve dropped some, perhaps overnight.
Even though Republicans on the same subcommittee all voted for drilling, I’m not giving the party a free pass. Their leader, the President, has been embarrassing quiet on this issue. Perhaps President Bush feels his current state of approval would make matters worse if he spoke in favor of, “drill here, and drill now.” However, the Presidency isn’t a popularity contest, (which I hope Obama finds out) true leaders ignore their legacy, and mandate from the gut and common sense.
Right now the oil market is being overrun by speculation on oil futures. Yes OPEC has their hand in it which helps fuel (pun) the sky rocketing price, but the daily jumps of $5.00 or more a barrel lays at the investor’s feet.
If this country showed any movement in exploring for, drilling for, or actually producing our own oil, the investors would scurry faster than a roach in daylight. I don’t know a lot, but I do know, rich guys didn’t get rich by ignoring the trends. And trends tell them oil is in demand and the United States Congress will continue to keep it that way.
I guess you could look at it like a poker game with very high stakes.
Congress could just bluff a little, like vote for this last bill that called for outer continental shelf drilling and see what happens. But no, they are smarter than us, and by the way, because they live in a shell, are not effected by escalating gas prices.
You know, people are always asking me, “Ron, what if you ran the zoo?” Or maybe it’s, “Ron, you belong in a zoo,” but definitely one of the two. I’ll pretend it’s the former and state my case for zoo keeper.
This zoo keeper would call a joint special session. Get every elected politician, even Gramps and Scooter off the campaign trail, to report to the Capital building. To show the world how committed they are to stop this crises, I’d make each congressmen vow to stay until a plan can be hammered out.
Then congress sensibly goes about doing the right things. For instance, I would put pressure to act on, flex-fuel automobiles, turning coal into fuel, and allow drilling off the coast of Florida, which China is getting ready to do.
To show ‘em I mean business. Demand Congress to vote for nuclear power plants, solar farms, and ocean tide research for energy. They would vote to give tax incentives to companies that started methanol plants. They’d approve giving the states the right to drill wherever a state wants too (Alaska and Montana.)
Then play the trump card. Congress approves extracting the vast supply of shale located in Utah and Colorado. (Experts say there is over a trillion barrels, which will last over 200 years at our current use)
Congress then drops the cards on the table and scoops up the chips—game over!
They would leave the halls of congress and on the drive home; they’d notice gas prices had already gone down.
Then I resign my post as zoo keeper and find another circus to run.
Look, I’m not a smart man, but isn’t this worth a try? I can’t help but believe the American people would go for this.
None of the above is that radical. It all can be done safely. With today’s technology so much can be done without disrupting the environment. It seems such a waste not to let the United States be an example of how God’s gifts (oil, shale, coal, sun, wind, oceans) can work within our surroundings.
I’ve talked before about the big-brained-people, which is also a gift from God. Isn’t it time to let them do their thing? Politicians need to stand out of the way when it comes to progress.
Nothing muddies up good ideas more than a Washington bureaucrat. The latest phrase coming off their lips is, “We can’t drill our way out of this.” If you trace the roots of this slogan, I bet you’ll find it came from a high powered environmentalist lobby. They fatten up these politicians with perks, and then give marching orders that carry out their agenda. How else can you explain what’s happening before our eyes.
I hate to keep harping on the subject. Believe me there are other things I’d rather write about. But every time I sit in front of this keyboard this is what rolls out.
There are a few good guys in this. Here’s a list of congressmen who voted for drilling in the outer continental shelf.
Todd Tiahrt (KS)
John E. Peterson (PA)
Jo Ann Emerson (MO)
Virgil H. Goode, Jr. (VA)
Ken Calvert (CA)
Jerry Lewis (CA
I applaud their effort in saying, “enough,” to environmentalist. We need more officials to do likewise. All it takes is a little common sense and the courage to do what’s right.
Until then, I’ll be by the phone waiting on a call…. to run the zoo.
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