Monday, October 6, 2008

The cold hard truth

Every time I stare at a blank screen I envision writing something brilliant, but it never fails, drivel falls off the keyboard.

Barack Obama will be the next President and I’ll tell you why. I didn’t research these numbers; it’s just a gut feeling.

20%- want a more socialized government.

10%-want change, no matter what the change entails.

8% -want free healthcare, or what they think is free.

5% -will vote for Obama just because he’s black.

5%- listen to leftist news media and buy into slick ads.

3% - hate George Bush.

1% -will vote for the sexiest or best looking candidate.

1% -will vote for who Hollywood endorses.

That’s 53% of the vote, in all likelihood, Obama will receive about 45% because some voters overlap in my gut feeling poll, but you get the picture. McCain will come in at about 40% leaving 5% to wacko candidates. (Other than Obama)

I hate to paint such a direr outlook, but this country has lost its mind. That’s the only conclusion when you consider Obama has made it this far. I’m sure we can survive an Obama Presidency, however, add a Nancy Pelosi congress and a Harry Reid senate and I’m afraid we will not recognize this country in four years.

Rational thought will have no power. The mandates, laws, and government programs will make the “New Deal” seem Reaganest, while we march on to socialism.

We are about to elect the most liberal senator in congress without a thought to what it all means, or maybe we do and I’m the wacko.

The first and foremost power of a President is nominating federal judges including the Courts of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court. Obama will no doubt appoint the leftist of the leftist when it comes to Constitutional interpretation. Pelosi and Reid will say, “Amen,” and our founding fathers will collectively rollover.

The government will grow to outlandish proportions, a magnitude to which we’ve never seen, (From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.) This will be paid for by the rich, but history lessons should tell us, redistribution of wealth only works on paper. Taxing to prosperity is a debate never won, yet often tried by those pitting the poor against the rich.

Let’s say Obama really gives it to the rich guy. He taxes him so much, he can’t see straight. What happens? Well, either the rich guy adjusts his prices and passes it to us, or he chooses to close up shop and join the poor. So what’s the end game? You either can’t afford his goods, or another man needs government help. Whichever way you play it, socialism wins.

Like it or not, capitalism needs rich guys, but the beauty of capitalism is everybody has a chance to be rich, not the select few who flourish under government controlled societies.

So let’s forget Obama ever stepped foot in Rev. Wright’s church. Forget his friendship with a known American terrorist house, Bill Ayers. Forget his donations from Fannie Mae. Forget his associations with Acorn. Forget he’s only been a senator for three years and has been running for the last two. Forget he was influenced by Saul Alinsky (who wrote, Rules for Radicals). Forget his childhood mentor was a communist and Obama went to socialist conferences. Forget all of that stuff.

Because we want change… And in about four weeks, change it will be.

1 comment:

Rick O'Shay said...

Be carefull Ron. Big brother is watching and I don't mean me.