Sunday, October 26, 2008

The times are a changing

Once upon a time this country fought communism. Your politics didn’t matter, because American freedoms were that important. Whatever our arguments were with each other, we always had one common bond; we believed communism must be stymied at every turn.

Remember the term “Pinko” or “Commie?” What about, “duck and cover?” Forgotten terms from a time of panic. Reagan won the Cold War and what have we done with the victory? We’ve piddled down our legs while, it seems, the soft underbelly of communism known as socialism took root and became mainstream.

Example, Kennedy asks what you could do for your country. Obama promises what the country will do for you. Could John Kennedy be a Democrat today?

The election of Barrack Obama would be more than a slippery slope into big government; it’s a jump off the cliff freefall into Marxism. Obama is nothing more than a useful idiot to the likes of Bill Ayers and all that has an ax to grind with this country.

This idea that Obama is better for the economy seems odd. The man is clueless when it comes to capitalism. He’s never met a budget, made payroll, or dealt with government regulations. (Unless he’s voting for them)

Spreading the wealth around is as un-American as soccer. Our corporate tax is the second most in the world, how much more can we spread around?

Let me try to put it another way.

Let’s say you diet and exercise to keep your body fit. You’re in such good shape one could state you have two perfect kidneys. In other words, you’re rich in body parts.

On the other hand, your neighbor drinks, smokes and parties all night. The toll, by his decisions, has left him in need of a transplant. In other words, he’s poor in body parts.

Does it make sense to spread the wealth of body parts around? I mean, after all, it’s not fair to have two perfect kidneys when someone else has none. To me, that makes about as much sense as taking money that one man worked for only to hand it to another for the sake of being fair.

Life is not fair and there’s not a tax or law that can change that. We may kid ourselves in to thinking otherwise, but in the end, rewards are always earned not given.

This nation is split like never before. Basically 50% of us want a bigger government with socialist overtones, and 50% of us want government to take a hike and stay out of our business. But the election of Obama will affect 100% of us for years to come. Obama will appoint at least three Supreme Court judges in his first term and countless more on the federal level. What price will we pay for change?

Those that want change better think long and hard.

This is probably my last post until after the election. To be honest, there are many writers who state what I try to say much better than I do. I find myself repeating the same song about this Obama guy and none of it is entertaining.

On Election Day, I will expect the worst and hope for the best.

I will be voting for John McCain and I encourage you to do the same.

Duck and cover.

1 comment:

Rick O'Shay said...

I agree with every thing you said except for one thing. I don't think John F. Kennedy would find the Republican party a safe haven either.
Just my opinion.
Keep doing what you're doing until Big Brother arrests you.
Your words are filled with hate. And hate has to be stamped out.

Oh I have a new post to bore you with. Not getting any hits. So I must be pretty boring.