Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lead me to your spenator

I was talking with my wife a few nights ago, and had a Freudian slip. I went off on my usual rant complaining about our elected officials. My lips were moving faster than my brain (or were they). When I said, “I’m sick of all these spenators wasting our money.”

She looked at me, I looked at her and silence fell on our living room floor. You could have heard a dollar drop on Robert Byrd’s desk.

“Did you say spenators?” she said.

“Yeah, I think I did,” I said.

And so the word “Spenator” was born and it’s pronounced, spen-a-tor. I wish I’d thought of it first, but thanks to Google I found out the word “Spenator” has been used before. Another spelling is spendator, either way you know what it means. We can’t leave the representatives out of this, so we’ll call them represpentatives and it’s pronounced rep-re-spent-a-tives.

Now that’s that taking care of…On with the post.

When 2/3 of the Mod Squad starts yapping about the economy, their voice carries little weight. Hillary’s campaign is nearly bankrupt and is having a hard time paying healthcare for her staffers. (Not to mention the hired sub-contractors who put on the traveling snake oil show.)

Speaking of snake oil salesmen, how you doing Barack? It appears you stepped in it again. It seems the smooth talking candidate can’t get his voice out of the brier patch. What was it this time? Oh yeah, he said, “Small-town Americans are bitter and cling to religion and guns.”

So are we to think Mr. Obama is also bitter because he clings to his church and the Rev. Wright? Better yet, if Spenator Obama wants to see “bitter” perhaps he should look at the woman sleeping next to him.

Me thinks… The man of the people is losing his people skills.

These two run all over the country talking about the economy, when their fingerprints have been left clumsily at the earmark scene. Clinton earmarks totaled $296 million and Obama a meager $97.4 million, by the way, Johnny McCain… $ZERO million. Way to go Johnny boy!

The reason we find ourselves in this political pudding is the likes of Obama/Clinton. They spout off the same old solution, universal healthcare, government programs and bailing out homeowners. All the while they scream about the national debt. Clinton talks about fiscal responsibility, but didn’t mind taking a $296 million slice of earmark pie. (Pay no attention to the elephant in the room)

What some Americans fail to realize is these two haven’t a clue when it comes to the economy.

If I remember correctly congress spends money, or the fox is guarding the henhouse.

But Obama/Clinton reminds me of the Claude Rains character in Casablanca when he gave the great line, “I’m shocked! Shocked! To find that there’s gambling going on in here!” Meanwhile loaded dice rest in their pocket and marked cards are up their sleeve.

The major flaw in this campaign comes from our choices. Plain and simple, senators do not know how to govern. A certain ineptness manifest itself when monetary issues arise, making them incapable of seeing the big picture.

Look at our history. Warren Harding and John Kennedy were the only two sitting senators to be elected President. Harding’s Presidency was rock with scandal and some argue the worst President in American history. JFK had problems of his own, with controversies clouding his administration. Both men died in office during their first term, leaving their legacy to the pundits … I think the tragedy around Kennedy and his Camelot lifestyle cloaks the way Americans remember him. Had he lived, we would have a different picture of JFK.

Although not a senator when elected, Richard Nixon served in the senate. And we all know how that turned out. And let’s not forget Lyndon Johnson, he was a senator. The Presidency took such a toll on him; he didn’t seek a second term.

So where does this all lead? To put it bluntly, we’re screwed. One of the Mod Squad will be our next President and it comes at the worst possible time. Our nation needs leadership, not this circus being played out on the news. One says he won’t wear an American flag lapel pin, because it doesn’t prove patriotism. Hogwash, that sends a message to Middle America. The other lies about landing in a war zone and being under fire while running for cover. Then says she misspoke when pinned down with the facts. The last guy running is John McCain, and who’s excited about that.

Read your history, senators make lousy Presidents. And a Spenator it will be.

Here’s looking at you kid.

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