Monday, January 19, 2009

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign.

Obama Nation is barely off the ground, but why does it seem like he’s been President for years? By the sounds, impressions, and euphoria over this man I get the sense of Germany circa 1930, or perhaps Castro descending from the mountains claiming his version of “change.”

As a country our symbols have always been the flag, the constitution, and the freedom to speak our minds. Propping up photos of leaders was something insecure countries did to show their loyalty to a man, not an idea.

If you ever looked at political rallies in other countries, no doubt, you saw photo-lined-streets of whatever dictator of the day. China, Korea, Cuba and so on, all have a creepy brained washed tone when citizens gather paying homage to their king. This blind cult-like worship seemed so foreign to me, and dare I say it, “Un-American?”

I believe we should support our President whether we voted for him or not. However, what I’m seeing goes beyond that. Photos of Obama are beginning to take on that creepy tone. First, they are everywhere. Have you seen the bumper stickers with the odd silhouette of Obama? The pose and design reminds me of the Che Guevara signs used in the 60’s. This frenzy is past amusing and slipping into dangerous. I’m hearing some want him on Mt. Rushmore, the dollar bill, and the 22nd Amendment repealed. One city wants an “Obama Day” (George Washington doesn’t even get that). And a town in Florida has named a street after him.

Airport newsstands look more like a shrine to the king in waiting than an outlet for unbiased information. The inauguration has taken on a life of its own. Several non-traditional news media are covering the event, ESPN, Nickelodeon, QVC, and HBO, just to name a few. President Bush even declared a state of emergency so more tax dollars could be pumped into an already inflated ego-fest.

NBC, which stands for the National Broadcasting Company, has an online store. For $24.00 you can buy an Obama T-shirt with that same creepy silhouette and the slogan reads, “Yes we did,” (objective journalism, huh?) Am I the only one to find this troubling? NBC is humping and making a profit from “Team Obama” merchandise. I get the feeling we’re one goose step away from raising our right arm and shouting,”Heil Obama.”

Obama has already been compared to Lincoln, Kennedy, and FDR. Maybe I’m old-school, but great Presidents earn the title and lived in the White House for at least a day. And truly great Presidents blaze their own trail and are compared to no one.

Who will mind the store so our rights won’t disappear off the shelves? Yeah, yeah, I know Bush was evil and all that, but he’s left the classroom and Obama isn’t just a substitute teacher. The man will have to go to work and his plan for this country needs a watchful eye, not a rubber stamp.

Regardless of what you hear, see, or think, Obama does not walk on water. Chances are he puts his pants on one leg at a time and he’s sat on a toilet or two. He’s not too big to fail and the color of his skin has nothing to do with his Presidential success.

Although Obama won, it doesn’t mean everyone voted for him. His policies reflect one of FDR and I wouldn’t have voted for him either, so don’t assume only a racist wanted Obama to lose.

Whatever hype put him here should be tempered with sobering issues. Of course to get sober, one must have a hangover. Let’s hope the Kool-Aid wears off soon.

Click on the Obama train below and take a ride.

Che Guevara pose
NBC store
Obama on Mt. Rushmore
Obama stamp
Obama money

1 comment:

Rick O'Shay said...

I've been seeing official Obama decrative souvenier plates and coins for months.

Not sure if Bush had these things probably someone tried to make a buck from it. But I never saw any thing on TV comercials.

I did get a catalogue of inaugural memrobeillia mugs, hats, jackets, things like that. But these things had the Presidential seal and no picture of Bush on them.

Hey perhaps this is a way to raise money for the bailouts. But I doubt any of this is going any where but into the Dem's pockets.