Monday, September 8, 2008

Mrs. Right

The old saying, “crazy like a fox” couldn’t be truer when it comes to Gramps, unless he picked Sarah Palin for Alaska’s 3 electoral votes, then something might be wrong with him. In recent days we’ve come to know Sarah Palin, and most level headed Americans saw what Gramps did when he picked her.

Quickly the left felt threatened and immediately sent their soldiers to tear down the woman they can only dream of. I’ll try to make my case as to why the Democrats hate her.

What makes Sarah Palin special is there is nothing particularly special about her. By that I mean, she’s not a victim or if she is, she doesn’t whine about it. She didn’t climb up the political ladder by going to a prestigious law school. In the elitist left wing eye you’re nobody unless you have a law degree or at least majored in political science, example, Bill and Hillary Clinton. You want to know what really gets the liberals? Sarah Palin didn’t ride on her husband’s coattails to get where she is.

You always hear about the self-made man, well Sarah Palin is all of that and a bag of chips. She’s not your average politician. Instead of being given a wink and a nod, she earned her way by taking on entrenched Republicans and winning. Party affiliation doesn’t matter to Ms. Palin when it comes to corruption; she governs with integrity holding no bias towards party or sisterhood. With full knowledge that reward is earned not given, and she doesn’t see unfair at every turn. Her smile is infectious and comes naturally, which makes her jabs far more effective than a bitter radical who can find no right in the world.

To me, leftist women seem perpetual angry with forced smiles. They live in a figurative “bra burning age.” At times, their estrogen-fueled motives impede common sense. I’d like to think we’ve moved past that, the message should always be more important than gender. And that’s what drives the radical left nuts about Sarah Palin. She doesn’t wear her gender like a badge of honor. Sure she’s a woman, you can’t help but see that.

Everything about this woman bothers the left. She calls herself; “gal” and looks comfortable in a skirt. She can cradle a newborn just as easy as firing an automatic weapon. Womanhood doesn’t define her, nor hinder her. She could be your mom, sister, wife, or next door neighbor. She’s a common woman with an uncommon gift. When she speaks it comes from experiences we relate too, not preached too. No politician since Reagan can deliver a speech like the one she gave, I had tingles up my leg only Chris Matthews can dream about.

Her college degree came from the University of Idaho, of all places, fly over country to the snobbish left. I heard one self-righteous woman journalist said, “How can she be Vice-President, she didn’t have lunch with me.” Another elite woman reporter said, “Only uneducated women will vote for her.”

The double standard is out of control with this group. Imagine if someone said only uneducated blacks will vote for Obama? Remember the pass liberal women gave Bill Clinton? You might say, because of his cheating heart, Hillary was empowered. I know the rationale seems flimsily, but you explain it. Hillary is the classic example of a victim brought on by a pig of a husband, go figure.

Sarah Palin has an eighty percent approval rating in her state; I’m not sure the Pope gets those numbers in Rome. Given, we still have a lot to learn about Mrs. Right, my new name for her, but I like her so far. (If you didn’t know.)

Let’s be clear, there will never be another Ronald Reagan, he came at the right time in a country that needed leadership. However, the two do have a lot in common.
Who knows, 20 or 30 years from now, we might say, there will never be another Sarah Palin.

I’m not sure Mrs. Right will be the next Vice-President, but I’m certain she will be the first woman President… and the left know it as well, so long Hillary, there’s a new gal in town.

1 comment:

Rick O'Shay said...

And she's for drilling in Alaska.
Go girl.